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Mar 2025

Congratulations to Leo on receiving the 11th Chinese Chemical Society-Royal Society of Chemistry Young Chemist Award (第十一届中国化学会-英国皇家化学会青年化学奖).

Feb 2025

Congrats to Yanbo and the team! Our first submission to Nat. Commun. has been accepted, where we further highlight the exceptional potency of the dicyanophosphide anion for unconventional phosphorus species.

Chaopeng left the group for more training with Prof. Matthias Driess at Technische Universität Berlin (supported by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship). Good luck in Germany.

Jan 2025

Congrats to the team! Our first Account paper has been accepted for publication in Acc. Chem. Res., in which we detail our journey in low-valent carbyne anion chemistry.

Congrats to Xin-Feng, Rui, Walter and Chaopeng! Their work on synthesis of stable keteniminyl anions has been accepted for publication in Chem.

Yuhao Du and Junjie Tang joined the group as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome!

Congrats to Xin! His work on isolation of aluminadichalcogeniranes and aluminatrichalcogenetanes has been accepted for publication in Angew. Chem.


Dec 2024

Congrats to Leo for being distinguished with the Emerging Technology Innovator Award (2024年中国新锐科技人物创新贡献奖).


Nov 2024

Congrats to Leo for being distinguished with the College of Science Annual Research Award at SUSTech (2024年南方科技大学理学院年度科研奖).

Congratulations to Chaopeng on being awarded the prestigious Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship! His hard work and dedication have truly paid off, and this recognition is well-deserved.


Oct 2024

Dr. Fei Fan joined the group as a post-doctoral scholar. Welcome on board!

Congratulations to Xin-Feng for being honored as one of the recipients of this year's CCS Jingqing XINGHUO Award (中国化学会菁青化学星火奖).

Congratulations to Xin-Feng for obtaining National Scholarship for doctoral students (2024年度博士研究生国家奖学金).

Congrats to Xiaofang, Hongyu and Walter! Their work on isolation of a mesoionic silylene has been accepted for publication in Angew. Chem.


Sept 2024

Haoxiang Nong joined the group as a master student. Welcome!


Aug 2024

Tinghui left the group.

​Dr. Cong-Cong Shu joined the group as a post-doctoral scholar. Welcome on board!

Delighted to announce the publication of Dr. Wei's two-year-old:) work on stable stannylcarbene in Chem. Commun. (invited contribution). Congratulations to Xin-Feng and Chaopeng for their contributions to this achievement!

Congrats to Leo for being distinguished with the prestigious 'Junior Faculty of the Year' award at SUSTech (2024年南方科技大学青年教授奖).

Congrats to Leo for being distinguished with the 'Presidential Early Career Award for Excellence in Research' at SUSTech (2024年南方科技大学校长青年科研奖).

Congrats to Chaopeng (22401133) for obtaining highly competitive NSFC Young Scientists Fund. (课题组2024年获批一项国家基金委青年基金)


July 2024

Congrats to Xin-Feng, Chaopeng and Zhihao! Their work on utilization of a bulky cyclic amino group for isolation of cyclic (alkyl)(amino)stannylene has been accepted for publication in Sci. China Chem.

Leo has been invited to join the Early Career Advisory Board of Acta Chimica Sinica.

Prof. Guy Bertrand at UCSD visited us and delivered a lecture at SUSTech.

Six of our group members attended ICHAC-14 in Tianjin! Congratulations to Chaopeng for winning the Outstanding Poster Award!

Qianyi Ma, an undergraduate student from the University of Science and Technology of China, has joined our group as a visiting student.

The collaborative work led by Prof. Lipeng Wu on the selective hydroboration of C−C single bonds in cyclopropanes has been accepted in Angew. Chem. Congrats to Chaopeng and the team!

June 2024

Mian has completed his two-year tenure as a post-doctoral scholar with our group. Wishing him all the best in his future endeavors!

May 2024

Congrats to Jiancheng, Xin-Feng and Chaopeng! Their work on isolation of CAAC-ligated phosphagermylenylidene has been accepted for publication in JACS. This is our second work on ambiphilic heterodiatomic multiply bonded system.

Congrats to Xin and HongyuTheir work on an interesting aluminacyclopropene-cyclopropenylalane rearrangement reaction has been accepted for publication in Organometallics (featured in Front Cover). This is an invited contribution for Collection of Applied Organometallic Chemistry.

Leo has been invited to join the Early Career Advisory Board of Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers.

The collaborative work led by Prof. Kong on 1,4,2,3-diazadiborole has been accepted for publication in Angew. Chem.!

Prof. Douglas W. Stephan at the University of Toronto visited us and delivered a lecture at SUSTech.

Mar 2024

Congratulations to Leo for being one of the recipients of the 2024 Distinguished Lectureship Award from the Chemical Society of Japan (日本化学会杰出讲座奖).

Prof. Hansjörg Grützmacher at ETH visited us and delivered a lecture at SUSTech.

Feb 2024

We have achieved a remarkable milestone in stabilizing a free stannyne with diverse adjacent ambiphilic centers. I am excited to share that this research has been accepted in principle for publication in Nat. Chem. A huge congratulations to Xin-Feng, Chaopeng, Jiancheng, Rui and Xin for their outstanding contributions to this success!

Jan 2024

As we step into the exciting new year of 2024, we eagerly anticipate the discovery of more 'odd' molecules by the team.


Chaopeng has concluded his post-doctoral research and has advanced to the role of a Senior Research Scholar at SUSTech. Looking forward to what he will achieve shortly afterwards.

Leo is set to celebrate a significant milestone with his 100th paper, scheduled for publication in Science on January 5th!

We have thoroughly reviewed recent development of main-group carbene analogues and this invited contribution has been accepted for publication in Chem. Soc. Rev. Huge congrats to Mian, Chaopeng, Rui and Xin-Feng!


Dec 2023

A study led by Prof. Wu on Lewis superacidic aluminium cation has been accepted in Chem. Commun. Congrats to Shaoying, Chi and the whole team!

Congrats to Leo for obtaining extremely competitive NSFC 原创探索 fund (22350004).

Congratulations to Leo for being one of the recipients of the 2023-2024 Huang Yao-Zeng Organometallic Chemistry Award for Young Chemists from the Chinese Chemical Society (中国化学会黄耀曾金属有机化学青年奖).

Xin and Xue-Yi have been distinguished as recipients of the National Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program. Big congrats! (课题组两位博士后入选国家资助博士后研究人员计划)

Congrats to Leo for obtaining the "stable support" fund from Shenzhen Science and Technology Program (20231120110042001).

Congrats to Jiancheng (2024A1515010842) for obtaining the competitive Fund from Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (2023年广东省面上基金).

Nov 2023

A study on modification at boron in NHC-stabilized phosphaborenes has been accepted in Chem. Asian J. This is an invited contribution for Collection of Early Career Researchers 2023. Congrats to Jiancheng, Yanbo and Xin-Feng!

Although a little bit late, the work led by Yanbo on the isolation of a radical anion featuring a 2-center-3-electron π-bond without a clearly defined σ-bond has been eventually accepted in Angew. Chem. Congrats!

Congratulations to Leo for being honored with the Young Investigator Award, and to Chaopeng for winning the Best Poster Award at the 24th ICPC. Well done on these outstanding achievements!

Alena completes her visiting at SUSTech. Best wishes!

We have taken a significant step forward in stabilizing a singlet carbene with a reverse electronic configuration. I am thrilled to announce that this groundbreaking work has been accepted for publication in Science. A huge congratulations to Chaopeng, Xin-Feng, Jiancheng, and Xiao-Yong for their exceptional contributions to this achievement!


Oct 2023

Our group's first Dalton Trans. paper has been accepted. Kudos to Xiaofang and the team! Noticed that my 2017 cover publication with Doug is now the image example for Dalton Transactions' submission system. Honored to see our work highlighted in such a manner!

Work led by Prof. Kong on cleavage of B=C Bond in an alkylideneborane has been accepted for publication in Inorg. Chem. Congratulations!

Sept 2023

Dr. Mo Liu joined the group as a post-doctoral scholar. Welcome on board!

Ye Chen joined the group as a visiting undergraduate student from Jilin University. Welcome on board!

Fengbo HuangGuanrong Chen and Tinghui Zhen joined the group to start graduate study. Welcome on board!

Alena Lakomkina joined the group as a visiting graduate student from Arbuzov IOPC FRC Kazan Scientific Center of RAS. Welcome abroad!

Aug 2023

Research led by Prof. Kong on BN analog of butadiyne has been accepted for publication in JACS. Chaopeng is recognized as the co-first author of this paper. Congratulations!

Yanbo transitioned from being a research assistant professor to a visiting scholar. Congrats to Prof. Mei!

Chi left the group for pursuing a Ph.D. degree at California Institute of Technology (Caltech). Best wishes!

Congrats to Xin (22301119) and Jiancheng (22301122) for obtaining highly competitive NSFC Young Scientists Fund. (好事成双, 课题组2023年获批两项国家基金委青年基金)

Zhiqing Liu officially joined the group as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome on board!


July 2023

The study led by Prof. Kong on geometrically constrained organoboron species has been accepted for publication in Angew. Chem.

Congrats to Xin! His work on isolation of neutral isoelectronic aluminum analogues of carbonyls has been accepted for publication in JACS.

Congrats to Dr. Yanbo Mei who has accepted a PI offer at Great Bay University. He will be joining the faculty at GBU very soon.

June 2023

Congratulations to Zhihao for obtaining an outstanding undergraduate graduation thesis in 2023.

Hongyu and Xiaofang attended the 33rd CCS Congress in Qingdao. Congrats to Hongyu who won the Excellent Poster Prize.

Over one and a half years since the first submission, the work describing Si-B functional group exchanges led by Prof. Lipeng Wu has finally been accepted in JACS.

Chi Zhang joined the group as a visiting student from University of Science and Technology of China. Welcome and enjoy the short stay!

Xiaofang transitioned from being a master's student to a doctoral student. Congrats!

May 2023

Congratulations to Leo for being one of the 2022 Chinese Chemical Society Young Chemist Award Winners (中国化学会青年化学奖).

Fushan left the group.


April 2023

Prof. Qiuming (Walter) Liang at Great Bay University joined the group as a visiting scholar. Welcome on board!

Xin's work on the reactivity of a free aluminylene towards boron Lewis acids has been published in EurJIC. This was an invited contribution for Collections of Chinese EurJIC TalentsCelebrating EurJIC's 25th Anniversary and Board Member Highlights.


Mar 2023

Fushan joined the group as a post-doctoral scholar. Welcome on board!

Rui has left the group for more training with Prof. Didier Bourissou at the Université de Toulouse. Good luck in France.

Mo Liu at Newcastle University will be joining the group as a post-doctoral scholar soon.

Dr. Gold (pet turtle) passed away on Mar 22 :(

Feb 2023

Xueyi joined the group as a post-doctoral scholar. Welcome on board!


​Jiancheng completed his post-doctoral study and has been employed as a Senior Research Fellow at SUSTech. Cannot wait for more multiply bonded heterodiatomic species coming!

Yanbo completed his post-doctoral study and has been employed as a Research Assistant Professor at SUSTech. Cannot wait for more unusual phosphorus species coming!

Congrats to Rui and Xin-Feng! Following our AuPhos work, we show three protocols that effect the cleavage of Au-P bond in AuPhos in Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. This work is dedicated to Prof. Doug Stephan in honor of his upcoming birthday. Happy Birthday Doug!

Our great pleasure to publish in Angew. Chem. as always. Congrats to RuiXin-Feng and David on their work of stable ketenyl anions! This work is dedicated to Prof. Sjoerd Harder in honor of his upcoming birthday. Happy Birthday Sjoerd!

Jan 2023

We are off to a good start in 2023 with Chaopeng's nucleophilic Sn(II) cation accepted for publication in Inorg. Chem. This is the group first paper with Sn element. Looking forward to more to come.

Congrats to Yanbo, DougYile and the team! The work on alkoxyphosphorane/borane cooperative alkylations has been accepted for publication in Chem. Eur. J.



Dec 2022

Phosphaborene, one of the long-awaited molecules for the main-group community, has been isolated in the group. This is also one of Leo's dream molecules. We are pleased to document it in J. Am. Chem. Soc. Big congrats to Jiancheng and Zhihao!

Rui completed his post-doctoral study and has been employed as a Senior Research Fellow at SUSTech. Cannot wait for more low-valent carbon chemistry coming!

Nov 2022

Xueyi He from the group of Zhong-Xia Wang at University of Science and Technology of China will be joining us as a postdoc very soon. Welcome to main group chemistry.

Congrats to Chaopeng, DougYile and the team! The work on gram-scale synthesis of the aluminum analogue of Piers' borane has been accepted for publication in Chem. Commun.

Xin completed his post-doctoral study and has been employed as a Senior Research Fellow at SUSTech. Cannot wait for more low-valent Al chemistry coming!

​Xinyu left the group.

Oct 2022

Congrats to Xin, Hongyu, Xiaofang, Yanbo, and David. Their work on Al transfer reactions has been accepted in CCS Chem (available online).

The group project of the construction of electron-rich silicon centers has been supported by Shenzhen Natural Science Fund. $$$

Overjoyed to announce that the manuscript with isolation of metal carbyne anion complexes has been accepted in principle in Nat. Synth.! Congrats to Rui, Xin-Feng and Chaopeng.


Sept 2022

Congrats to Leo (22271132) and Yanbo (22201122). Their NSFC grant applications have been approved. $$$

Fushan Chen from the group of Prof. Yufen Zhao at Xiamen University will be joining us as a visiting PhD student/postdoc soon. Welcome!

Congratulations to Leo for being one of the two recipients of this year's Young Research Award from Faculty of Science, SUSTech (南方科技大学理学院青年科研奖).

Yanbo, Chaopeng, and Xin-Feng attended the 12th National Organic Chemistry Conference in Hefei. Congrats to Yanbo who won the Excellent Poster Prize.

Aug 2022

Congrats to Xin and Yanbo! An invited Concept Article that summarizes recent advances of aluminylenes has been accepted in Chem. Eur. J. This review is dedicated to Professors Hansgeorg Schnöckel, Herbert W. Roesky, and Philip P. Power who pioneered low-valent Al chemistry.

Leo is one of the five recipients of this year’s CCS Jingqing Award for Rising Star (中国化学会菁青化学新锐奖)

The group is moving to new labs in College of Science Building. Farewell to 创园5 where we started two years ago and made some nice achievements in main group chemistry. New lab, new start, and new challenges.

Xinyu joined the group.

July 2022

Mian joined the group. Welcome to main group chemistry!

Congrats to Jiancheng and Yanbo! An invited contribution has been accepted for publication in EurJIC (available online).  An isolable phosphaborene stabilized by an intramolecular Lewis base has been reported.

Congrats to Yanbo and Xin! They have been granted with a Post-Doctoral Science Fund from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation  (2021年中国博士后基金特别资助-站中). We are so proud of you guys!

June 2022

Congrats to Xin, Chaopeng, David and the team! The work led by Prof. Kong has been accepted for publication in Angew. Chem. (available online). We show an unprecedented dearomative hetero-Diels-Alder-like reaction of aryliminoboranes.


May 2022

Following a few precedents, we have introduced AuPhos as a family of extremely electron-rich phosphorus superbases. Big congrats to Rui and Shaoying. Well-deserved to have this nice paper in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (available online).

The AuPhos work was highlighted by ChemistryViews. (There is a nice Youtube video as well.)

Xinyu Zhang will be joining us in the coming semester as a graduate student.

Dr. Mian He will be joining us in a couple of weeks as a post-doctoral scholar. Welcome!

Congrats to Chenyang, Xin-Feng and all involved! The group 3rd submission has finally been accepted in Chem after 3 rounds of peer-review processes (available online)! We have documented monometal-substituted free carbenes, an isomeric form of the well-established metal carbyne complexes. Several follow-ups are ongoing. Stay tuned for more.

April 2022

We've been back to campus from a six-week Covid vacation. :)

Congratulations to David Ruiz and Bernice 'Ruiz' on their recent wedding!

Mar 2022

We've worked from home for over a month due to the Omicron variant. :(


Feb 2022

Congrats to Xin, Rui, David, and all involved! Our work with Prof. Kong on the isolation of diboron analogs of cyclopropanes has been accepted for publication in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (available online). This work is highlighted by ChemistryViews.

Hongyu officially joined the group to start her Ph.D. adventure. Welcome!


Jan 2022

Leo's profile has been introduced by Editors of EurJIC in the first issue of 2022.

We are overjoyed to announce that the group's 4th submission has been accepted for publication in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (available online). Big congrats to Xin! We showed a general concept for boosting the redox property of an aluminylene.

Congrats to Yanbo! The group's 2nd submission has been accepted for publication in J. Am. Chem. Soc. (available online). A facile route towards organophosphorus compounds via electrochemical activation of white phosphorus is documented.

Congrats to the team! The study of a cationic iminoborane led by Prof. Kong has been accepted for publication in Chem. Sci. (available online).

Congrats to the boss for being the 2021 recipient of the NSFC Outstanding Young Scholar Award (oversea).


Dec 2021

Zeen left the group.

Chaopeng officially joined the group. Welcome to the south!

Nov 2021

Zhihao Lu joined the group as an undergraduate researcher.

Yuanyuan Bao joined the group as an undergraduate researcher.

The group projects of the construction of electron-rich carbenes and phosphines have been supported by Department of Education of Guangdong Province (Grant No. 2021KQNCX079; 2022-2023) and Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation (Grant No. 2022A1515011717; 2022-2023).

Oct 2021

Leo has been invited to be a Member of Early Career Advisory Board of the Chinese Chemical Letters (CCL).

The metal-bridgehead naphthalene work was highlighted by ChemistryViews.

We are over the moon to announce that our first independent paper involving the coordination chemistry of a free aluminylene has been accepted for publication in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (available online). Congratulations to Xin! We are off to a good start!

We welcome Dr. David A. Ruiz to join the group as an affiliated researcher. He is working at Behr Paint Company in California. He has been supporting Leo (now LLL Group) for many years! Hopefully he can come to visit us in the near future after the epidemic.

Sept 2021

Shaoying left the group to have more research training at Ningbo University with Profs. Doug Stephan and Yile Wu. We wish her all the success in her future endeavors!

After years of effort, the first example of metal-bridgehead naphthalene debuts to JACS audience (available online)! Congrats to Profs. Xia and Zhu and Dr. Tang.

Congrats to Chenyang and all involved! The joint work with Prof. Lipeng Wu involving site-fixed hydroboration of terminal and internal alkenes using BX3/iPr2NEt has been accepted for publication in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (available online).

Congratulations to Dr. Rui Wei on his recent wedding!

Leo has been invited to be a member of Early Career Advisory Board of the European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (EurJIC) (from Jan 2022).

Aug 2021

Chenyang left the group to pursue graduate study at the University of Oxford with Prof. Jose Goicoechea. We wish him all the success in his future endeavors!

The group Al projects (Study of Ambiphilic Aluminium Ligands) have been supported by the Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 22101114; 2022-2024).

Congrats to Rui, Xin and all involved! The work entitled "Boraiminolithium: An Iminoborane-Transfer Reagent" with Prof. Lingbing Kong has been accepted for publication in J. Am. Chem. Soc. (available online). Stay tuned for more!

A week before the first anniversary of LLL group, we submitted our first ever completely independent paper. Fingers crossed!

The boraiminolithium work was highlighted by ChemistryViews.

July 2021 

An electrochemical synthesis facility (ElectraSyn 2.0 Pro) has been set up and operating in the box.


Xinfeng officially joined the group. Welcome on board.

Congrats to Yanbo! He has obtained the Peacock Plan Awardee-Category C by Shenzhen Municipal Government (2021) (深圳市海外高层次孔雀C类人才).

June 2021

Congrats to Yanbo! He has obtained a Post-Doctoral Science Fund from the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation  (2021年中国博士后基金面上项目).

Zeen and Xiaofang joined the group. Welcome new students!

May 2021

Congratulations to Dr. Xin Zhang on his recent nuptials over the break.


Dr. Rui An left the group.

Prof. Tongdao Wang at the Dalian University of Technology gave an online lecture to our group members on May 15.

Xinfeng Wang will be joining us as the first Ph.D. student in the coming summer.

Congrats to Yanbo! He has been an awardee of the National Post-doctoral Fellowship (2021) from the National Post-Doctor Regulatory Commission of China (中国博士后管委会——2021年博士后国(境)外交流引进项目).

Congrats to Jiancheng! He has obtained the Peacock Plan Awardee-Category C by Shenzhen Municipal Government (2021) (深圳市海外高层次孔雀C类人才).


April 2021

Zeen Yan will be joining us as a master student in a few months. Welcome on board!

Prof. Xin Tao at Northeast Normal University visited our lab and delivered a lecture to "SUSTecher" on April 22.

Drs. Rui Wei and Xin Zhang have been attending the 32nd CCS conference in Zhuhai.


Mar 2021

Dr. Rui An joined the group.

We had nice joint work with Prof. Zhongshu Li at Sun Yat-Sen University that has been accepted in Inorg. Chem. (available online). Congrats to Chenyang and Yanbo.

"Dr. Gold" joined the group and enjoys life in the boss' office so far... 

Hongyu Wang will be joining us as a graduate student (exam-free candidate) in 2022. We are looking forward to seeing her soon.

Dr. Liliang Wang at Hangzhou Normal University presented his Au chemistry to our group members on March 27.

Feb 2021

Gongping left the group.

Dr. Rui An will be joining the group as a visiting scholar.

The boss has received the Peacock Plan Awardee-Category B by Shenzhen Municipal Government (2021) and the research fund of CN¥ 5,000,000 (about US$ 780,000) will be supporting the group in the coming 5 years.


Jan 2021

We’ve done theoretical work for a communication with Profs. Doug Stephan and Yile Wu, in which oxyphosphoranes have been shown as precursors for bridging phosphate-catecholate ligands. Congrats to Dr. Wei. Well done team! It was published in Chem. Comm. (available onilne).

Prof. Xiaoming Zeng at Sichuan University visited our lab on Jan 13.

Dr. Zhaowen Dong at EPFL presented his Group 14 chemistry to our group members on Jan 16. Dr. Dong is going to join the faculty at Sichuan University in the coming months.


Dec 2020

It was our great honor that Prof. Yufen Zhao at Ningbo University & Xiamen University visited our lab on Dec 4.

Prof. Gengwen Tan at Soochow University gave an online lecture to our group members on Dec 13.

It was a really nice ending of 2020 that Chenyang's first "first author" paper was accepted for publication in J. Am. Chem. Soc. on Dec 31 (available online). We completed computational work for this collaboration paper entitled "Cyclic (Alkyl)(amino)carbene Ligand-Promoted Nitro Deoxygenative Hydroboration with Chromium Catalysis: Scope, Mechanism, and Applications" with Prof. Xiaoming Zeng at Sichuan University. Big congrats to the team! 

Nov 2020

Prof. Bin Rao at Xi'an Jiaotong University remotely talked about main group chemistry on Nov 6 to our group members.

Dr. Wei Lu at Universität Würzburg showed his previous research online on Nov 21 to our group members. Dr. Lu will be joining the faculty at Sichuan University in 2021.

​​Prof. Lingbing Kong at Shandong University delivered an online lecture to our group on Nov 29. 

Oct 2020

​Yanbo joined the group.

Xiaofang Lan will be joining us as the first master student (exam-free candidate). We are looking forward to seeing her in the coming summer.

We were pleased that Prof. Yile Wu at Ningbo University, Prof. Jiaxiang Chu at the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Dr. Jiliang Zhou at Texas A&M University gave an online lecture on Oct 17, 23, and 30, respectively. We keep learning main group chemistry!

Chaopeng Hu will be joining us as a post-doctoral scholar in 2021.

Sept 2020

We officially start at SUSTech. The lab locates in 411, Shenzhen Grubbs Institute, SUSTech.

Chenyang joined the group.

​​Qianwen joined the group.

Collaboration work with Prof. Zhongshu Li at Sun Yat-Sen University has been accepted for publication in Angew. Chem. (available online). In this work, the rational design, isolation, and preliminary reactivity of a phosphorus distonic radical cation salt have been documented. We get off to a good start!

Rui joined the group.

A paper with Doug, Jiliang and Levy has been finally accepted in Chem. Comm. (available online). Congrats to the team. The isolation of [Cp*Sb]2+ dication completes the story of η5-pentamethylcyclopentadienyl pnictogen dications.

Shaoying joined the group.

Gongping joined the group.

Xin joined the group.

Jiancheng joined the group.

We were happy to host Profs. Zhongshu Li and Sunewang R. Wang at SUSTech on Sept 30. They visited our lab and delivered a lecture.

June 2020

Four-single glovebox stations, coupled with a solvent purification system, have been ordered for production and expected to be working in the coming September.


After a tough submission process (Leo very appreciates the comments given by four referees), a paper with Prof. Lingbing Kong at Shandong University has finally come out in Chem. Sci. (available online). Congrats to Chenyang! In this contribution, the synthesis and reactivity of BNN-1,3-dipoles have been documented for the first time. This paper has been selected by editors and referees in the themed collection: 2020 Chemical Science HOT Article Collection. Stay tuned for more exciting follow-up chemistry!


May 2020

The Group Logo has been created by Ms. Ying Sun.


Leo decides to share referees' reports for all peer-reviewed papers from now on. A link will be given for each publication.

April 2020

Collaboration work with Prof. Zhongshu Li at Sun Yat-Sen University has been accepted for publication in Dalton Trans. (available online). Congrats to Chenyang! In this work, we report the reactivity of an NHC-stabilized dicarbondiphosphide toward polar E-H bonds, leading to a series of unsymmetrical 1,3-diphosphetane and 1,3-diphosphetanium frameworks.


A collaboration paper entitled "Chemoselective Cross-Coupling between Two Different and Unactivated C(aryl)–O Bonds Enabled by Chromium Catalysis" with Prof. Xiaoming Zeng at Sichuan University has been accepted for publication in J. Am. Chem. Soc. (available online).

Xin Zhang will be joining the group as a post-doctoral scholar.

Dr. Jiancheng Li will be joining the group as a post-doctoral scholar.


Mar 2020

Dr. Yanbo Mei will be joining the group as a research assistant professor/post-doctoral scholar.

Feb 2020

Rui Wei will be joining the group as a post-doctoral scholar.

Jan 2020

Collaboration work with Prof. Zhongshu Li at Sun Yat-Sen University and Prof. Hansjörg Grützmacher at ETH has been accepted for publication in Angew. Chem. (available online). In this paper, we report the coordination chemistry of NHC-stabilized dicarbondiphosphides toward transition-metal centers. These C2P2 rings showcase the first examples of the neutral, four-membered ring, 6π-electron ligands in transition metal chemistry.


Dec 2019

​Leo has been invited to be a Member of Next Generation Advisory Board of Chem (from Feb 2020) (honored to be on the same webpage with Guy and Doug).

The LLL Group Wechat has been set up.

Gongping Zhang, Shaoying Ju, and Chenyang Hu will be joining the group as research assistants.


Oct 2019

The LLL Group at SUSTech will be functioning in Sept, 2020.

May 2019

Leo officially accepted an offer from SUSTech.

Liu Leo Liu

E-mail: liuleoliu[at]

Department of Chemistry,

Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)

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